Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why Do I Blog?

My blog. Geeesh. Why do I post everything on my blog? Even the most embarassing and painful things?

Why not?

Well for one, I never really know that there would be other people reading my blog. This is for me, my personal journal. But since there are other people who took the time to read my blog and react (even vioently sometimes) so I guess I have to explain why I post what I post.

My blog is my blog. I can post whatever I want.

Someone said I should take responsibility with the things I write. Hey, I always DO. If anybody is offended with any of my postings, you are FREE not to read my blog. Gosh, I am not forcing you to read it.

Now, if you think you are misrepresented in any of my blogs, it's not my fault. My blog is a reflection of how certain people treated me. If you treat me nice, then I'll be all praises but if you do something out of the blue, then do not expect my respect in return.

There are people who spout words such as "respect" etc. but I wonder, do they really know what they are saying?

I blog because I have been USED and it is only now that I can express what I feel. Why suppress my feelings? My emotions are valid. If you are offended by what I have expressed, write your own blog and attack me there. Geeesh.

I am a legitimate, feeling individual.

Violent reactions are welcome because I don't really care. I just realized, why would I care? I care for my feelings, for myself before I care for you.


Not really. I have sacrificed and given other people priority over me. It's time I take care of myself coz no other will be.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Eli of the Eraser Heads

Just thought of sharing this pic with Eli Buendia when he was still with Eraserheads circa 1999 - shucks, another decade. Look how skinny I was!

Francis M & I

Yup, I know him but I doubt if he remembers me. I met him 10 years ago, in Awit Awards. So long ago.

There is one thing we have in common, together with Kuya Germs and Alicia Silverstone; we all share October 4 as our birthday. I always thought and dreamed that I will be the next famous person born on October 4.

Sigh. And now I only share my birthday with Kuya Germs and of course Alicia Silverstone.

Ei Francis M., thanks for taking a picture with me when I was just a newbie in the corporate world. Rest in peace. You have been a great man.
