So far so good, and nothing to brag or shout about...
I started taking my morning walk last May 1 with the end objective of not really losing weight but gaining health.
My doctor and partner encourages me to be healthy... and not for the sake of the relationship, but for my sake, I will...
So let's take stock... since Day 1, I have been walking from 6AM to 7AM, sometimes later but not later than 7:30AM because by that time, it's hot already to walk, it's summer! I walk three times around the subdivision for 45 minutes, taking me 15 minutes to complete one round.
These walks have been doing me good. I get to think, think, think, dream, dream, dream while inhaling and exhaling the cool morning air.
This morning is slightly different, it was drizzling. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sweat (and I didn't no matter what I do, run, brisk walk or jog, it was just too cold to sweat). The drizzling rain is invigorating...
I am not expecting to miraculously lose weight, it's enough for me that I get to, one step at a time, change my lifestyle healthily.