Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thoughts to ponder

Oftentimes, we often get caught up with our own problems, struggles and issues that we become self-centered. It is all about me, me, me. We create a bubble of self-importance and we wallow in self-pity. Such that when our bubble bursts and we realized there is a bigger picture, we can't handle it.

I admit, I have created my own bubble, my own world and when everything come crashing down, I am left bewildered, confused and ignorant.

It's easy to put blame - I blame myself, blame my life, blame everyone and everything that is in and out of my bubble, but what's the point?

It has always been my motto not to regret the things I did or did not do, why lose energy over regrets, will it change the past? No. Nothing and no one can ever change the past and however how painful or hurtful or disappointing the past is, that's it, it's all in the past.

Clinging on the past may be therapy but would these baggage of past actions, decisions do any good now?

I am also a believer that every decision, no matter how "wrong" it seemed is not entirely "wrong". We interpret things based on our experiences. My reaction to certain things is different from anybody else reaction.

I love this word "unique" ha ha, it gives an excuse that I am different from anybody else and what I say or do is all my own because I am unique.

I would want to believe that life has a purpose, that everything happens for a reason.

It might seem that life has treated us like a leaf blown by the wind, drifting or a twig following the tide, but in the end, there will always be a destination.

In my 34 years in life (discounting the first 10 years because I doubt if I had made much impact as a toddler), I believe that I have achieved the goals I have set in my life.

I graduated valedictorian in grade school, with honor in high school, cum laude in college.

I got to be a copywriter, a publicist, a managing editor, a writer with published articles and stories.

I have been to different places I have never been to. I have set-up my own business, work for one of the biggest companies. I have been a teacher.

At this juncture, I am asking myself, what is the next adventure?

That is the question I am pondering right now...

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