Saturday, October 08, 2011

35.005 – Life and Death

How do we console those who bereaved? For the lost of a loved one, so dear? The only consolation for us left behind, now he has no worries, now he has no more pain. The following days may prove to be unbearable, to grieve the loss of a loved one, but with the memories he has left behind, and the love that he surely gave, for always he will surely be in our heart.”

I posted the above statement in a friend’s FB account. He joined the Creator today after being in the ICU for three weeks. This year, I have witnessed five deaths already including the death of my father and my best friend.

Since my father died, whenever my mother says that she misses my father, I always tell her that he is in a better place now. He doesn’t worry about his pain, that indeed he has no worries anymore. But how many times I tell her that, I know that time will never ease the pain. I know because I miss my father too.

This is the first time I celebrated my birthday without my father, and come December, it will be the first time that we will celebrate Christmas without him. Somehow, although deep in my heart I know my father would want us to celebrate, we can’t, I can’t. Somehow, without my father, it’s not a celebration.

It is indeed difficult top move on. Although I can probably say that we are now used to a new routine, after two months, it is still painful, it is still difficult. What more to my mother?

We cannot get used to the idea of death. As much as we would like to celebrate the life of our dearly beloved departed, we cannot take away our emotions out of it. We will always feel that we miss them, that even though time and life goes on, sometimes, we stand still just to remember.

May the souls of our dearly beloved rest in peace. God bless us always.

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