Sunday, February 22, 2009

Status: Single Age: 32

While many eskew writing their status online, I can only surmise that the online community is still the place to be who you want to be. Discerning the honest from the scrupolous is an ardous task so what the heck.

Another blank on the profile is the age. If not blank, some certainly are false. Heck, what's wrong with admitting your real age? Is it an embarassment that the years you leave off is worthless?
Me, I am 32 and I am proud of it. The past 32 years have been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs and like plunging down from the peak of the tallest curve or the adrenalin rush of headlong loop, oh gee, I can always throw up.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

February ushers in

I so hate myself.

January has come and gone and I didn't make a mark at all. Still, January made an impact to me. I think and I believe with what has transpired to me last month has changed me for the better.

I owe many people my appreciation and thanks for inspiring me to be a better person.

The end of January has also been full of sacrifices. It was my mother,s 60th b-day but we really weren't able to celebrate it as my father was in surgery. I was left at home to take care of my nephews and whew! It is so hard to be a "parent"!

Hope February will bring all the love I deserve he he he.