Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Crocodile Tears

I am a sucker for people who cries.

I saw you cry three times (or you let me see you cry or you intentionally let me see you cry - whatever!)!

You cried because you decided to leave me. So, three time you have left and the last time, you never came - which is very fine with me.

So what am I carping about?

Because, up until this time, you still OWE me big time!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Using People/People Using You

after all this time, after all the giving, there are certain people who will just use you and leave you if they are done with you already.

they will promise heaven and earth, use their charm and sex appeal to get what they want and after getting it, will leave you to bite the dust.

there is one who after getting what he wants, helping him to get where he is now, just forgets everything. para sa iyo, gusto ko lang sabihin, hindi ka makakarating sa posisyon mo ngayon kung hindi ako nagpatapak sa yo. the least you could have done is pay off the debt you owe. all the while you thought bayad ka na? kailan pa?

i really don't care about the emotional aspect anymore, because emotionally, you are dead to me but i can't just let some things pass by without me saying my piece. if other people get to know about this, it's your fault. hindi mo inayos muna bago ka nagbago.

ang sa akin lang, wag ka sana makarma. digital pa naman karma ngayon...